Sustainability in Warmer World
Sound Opportunity: Toward sustainable communities in a warmer world
Brian Smoliak, Atmospheric Sciences,
Audience: General
Content By Slides (48 slides)
2-3: Aral Sea shrinking due to irrigation
4-8: What is sustainability and how climate is change affecting it
9-17: Observed and projected climate change (including models)
18-25: Climate models projected based on business as usual versus sustainability
26-29: Sea level rise
30-35: Mitigation and adaption to climate change
36-39: Public opinion on climate change
40-48: What can we do?
- Type: PowerPoint
- Size: 38 mb
Associated Slides
Wedges of solutions
Relationship between economy and priority of global warming
Polling results by political affiliation
Public Concern about Climate Change 2002 to 2010
Sea Level Change Seattle
Sea Level Change
Ensemble simulations and wintertime PPT
Projected increases in PNW PPT
Ensemble simulations and summertime temp
Ensemble simulations illustrate internal variability
Projected increases in PNW temp
Observed PPT change in WA state
Observed Temp Change in WA state
Observed Temp Change GLOBAL
Observed Precipitation Change in US by region
Observed Temp Change in US by region 1991 to 2011